
Learn about...

  • Modifying HTML and CSS
  • Creating a favicon
  • Working with a JSON file
  • A little about javascript
  • Deploying a google chrome extension

Key Concept

The purpose of this lesson is to develop a custom "launch page" that can be incorporated into the Chrome Home new tab extension.



Download the files

  • Open the extensions project on replit.
  • You should see an images directory, a docs directory and the files manifest.json, README.md, tab.css, index.html, and tab.js.

Modify the HTML

  • We will look at the code in index.html as a class.
  • Locate an image to use on the page (less than 50KB) and download it into the images directory.
  • Once you understand the html, you may start editing the file to incorporate your own links for this page.
  • Edit the img tag to reference the image you downloaded.
  • Once you have the links you want and the image, we'll move on to the style sheet.

Modify the CSS

  • We will look at the code in tab.css as a class.
  • Modify tab.css by changing the declarations of .links, .caption, #clockbox, elements or any other selector found within.
  • Be sure to frequently run index.html to see the results of any changes.

Make an icon

  • Go to favicon.io to make an icon.
    screenshot of favIconCreator
  • Make an icon with your initial, like the one here: E
  • When you download your design, it creates a zip file containing a directory of various sizes of the image. Since we're using an existing template, we're going to make our images fit the current structure.
  • Open up the favicon.ico file in an image editor (preview or gimp or windows equivalent).
  • Export your icon image multiple times with multiple sizes:
    • An image of size 128x128 to a file named 128x128.png
    • An image as 72x72 to a file named e_small.jpg
    • An image as 72x72 to a file named rsz_n60-2stack-w_small.png


  • We will step through the JSON powerpoint slides found here: JSON.pptx
  • Open the manifest.json file.
  • Modify the items noted in red below to customize your extension.
            "manifest_version": 2,
            "name": "Custom Web Launcher",
            "short_name": "Web Launch",
            "version": "0.4",
            "description": "A Chrome new tab extension that can be customized
            each semester. Learn how at the SIGCSE 2018 Chrome Home Workshop.",
            "icons": {
            "128": "images/128x128.png"
            "browser_action": {
            "default_icon": {
            "16": "images/rsz_n602stackw_
            "default_title": "Custom Web Launcher"
            "author": "Denise Case and Doug Hawley",
            "chrome_url_overrides": {
            "newtab": "tab.html"
  • Save manifest.json


We will step through the JavaScript powerpoint slides found here: JS.pptx

  1. Add a background image to your page
    • Find a background image you like.
    • In index.html, add a static background image by changing <div id="background"> to <div id="background" style="background-image:url(http://bing.com//az/hprichbg/rb/HuangshanClouds_EN-US9460330019_1920x1080.jpg)"> where the url of your desired image is located in the parentheses after url
  2. Style your background image with CSS
    • In your tab.css file, set style for element with id="background" to the following (or vary it as you like).
          #background {
            height: 100%;
            opacity: 1.00;
            background-position: center;
            background-repeat: no-repeat;
            background-size: cover;
  3. Call your new function when the window is created
    • Update the handler for windows.onload to call a function that will update the background image. We will add the function UpdateBackgroundImage in the next section.
    • To do this, locate the window.onload function at the bottom of the file tab.js. You will add the call to UpdateBackgroundImage so that your window.onload function now appears as follows:
          window.onload = function () {
            setInterval(GetClock, 1000)
            setInterval(GetGreeting, 1000)
  4. Add three new functions
    • Still in tab.js, add the new update function and the two helper functions to the end of your JavaScript file.
          * Update background image with Bing Image of the Day
          * @param {String} url
          function UpdateBackgroundImage(url) {
            let xmlhttp = new window.XMLHttpRequest()
            xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
            if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { // when done & successful
              console.log('Response received: ' + this.responseText)
              var imageURL = ExtractImageURL(JSON.parse(this.responseText));
              console.log('Image url: ' + imageURL)
            xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true) // define the request as a get, to this url, asynchronous
            xmlhttp.send() // actually send request to server
          * Extract first image URL from Bing response JSON.
          * @param {Object} response
          * @return {String} imageURL
          function ExtractImageURL(response) {
            var suffix = response.images[0].url
            return 'http://bing.com/' + suffix
          * Set background image to imageURL
          * @param {String} imageURL
          function SetBackgroundImage(imageURL) {
            document.getElementById("background").style.backgroundImage = 'url("' + imageURL + '"'
  5. Bonus: Add a custom welcome message based on your schedule
    • In your index.html file, create a new HTML element with an id="welcome" just like the element with id="greeting".
          <span class="border" id="greeting"></span>
          <span class="border" id="welcome"></span>
    • Create a GetWelcome() function. In the function, get a new Date(). Use if statements and tday[nday] (e.g. Mon) to create a "Welcome to Web!" greeting based on your course schedule. Hint: to make it easier to read, you might write one function isMonOrWed() to which you pass nday to find out if it's a web class day, and a second function to determine if the time is between 3:00pm and 4:00pm.
            let result = false
            if (tday[nday] === 'Mon' || tday[nday] === 'Wed') {result = true}
            return result

Deploying your extension

The purpose of this section is to provide an overview of how to deploy a custom Chrome new tab extension to the Chrome store.

  1. Slides about deployment: Deploy.pptx
  2. Ensure that you have the three images created above stored in the images folder:
    • An image of size 128x128 to a file named 128x128.png
    • An image as 72x72 to a file named e_small.jpg
    • An image as 72x72 to a file named rsz_n60-2stack-w_small.png
  3. Verify manifest.json
    • Make sure your manifest.json is correct for this version (you can use version 0.0.1 for your first upload, and will increment each updated version after that).
    • Check the following fields:
      • name
      • short_name
      • version (recommended: 0.0.1 for the initial release)
      • description
      • browser_action - make sure it points to your new png files and includes a helpful tooltip.
      • author
      • make sure index.html is referring to your current index.html file
  4. Test it locally
    • Download all the files into a directory on your computer.
    • From that directory, right-click index.html and open it in chrome.
    • Use the developer options to open your unpacked project.
      • Go to "More Tools -> Extensions" in browser
      • Choose "load unpacked" and navigate to your working app folder
        chrome extensions page
      • Open a new tab in Chrome and you should see your page.
  5. Optional: Zip/pack your project for publishing
    Disclaimer: I have not published my web launcher, so I am just relaying the information I was given for this section. I have had no problem using my extension by keeping the app directory on a shared drive such as google drive or dropbox that is accessible from all my computers. Once the extension is installed on a computer's Chrome browser, it will access the copy that is in the shared drive.
    • Be sure to include the following in your zipfile:
      • index.html
      • tab.css
      • tab.js
      • manifest.json
      • images folder
  6. Optional: Publish it
    Disclaimer: I have not published my web launcher, so I am just relaying the information I was given for this section. I have had no problem using my extension by keeping the app directory on a shared drive such as google drive or dropbox that is accessible from all my computers. Once the extension is installed on a computer's Chrome browser, it will access the copy that is in the shared drive.
    • Create a new gmail just for this app
    • Register and pay for a Google developer account($25)
    • Go to your Google Developer Dashboard and add new item (upload your zip file - $5)


No deliverables, but hopefully you have a fully functioning and useful chrome extension giving you quick access to all of your favorite links!